Soft Gymnastics

Various and varied soft gymnastics aiming at strengthening deep muscles,
improving postures and flexibility and decreasing targeted pains to maximize daily well-being.

Relaxation Training

Relaxation is a technique that lowers muscle tone through physical relaxation. It then leads to a mental relaxation, leaving room for body sensations. Relaxation is practiced standing, sitting or lying down on a mat. Pros: lower stress, increase vitality

Time : 30 min
Intensity : 1/3

45 min


Stretching Training

Stretching is a form of exercise that involves extending muscles to improve flexibility and joint mobility. For sedentary employees, this can be beneficial by reducing muscle tension, improving posture, preventing injury and increasing energy and productivity at work.

Time : 30 min
Intensity : 1/3

45 min


Pilates Training

The Pilates method is gentle gymnastics that combines deep breathing with physical exercises. It is a complete program of exercises designed to put all the muscle groups into action, in alternation, sometimes in unusual combinations. Pros: strengthen deep muscles, improve posture, gain flexibility, relieve tensions.

Time : 45 min
Intensity : 2/3

45-60 min


How to conduct a corporate sport routine?


Beforehand, we will visit the company to meet with the employers and discuss the company’s sport objectives and needs. This will allow us to determine the most appropriate sports activities and session planning.

1. Pre-consultation
Beforehand, we will visit the company to meet with the employers and discuss the company’s sport objectives and needs. This will allow us to determine the most appropriate sports activities and session planning.


Weekly Sessions
Corporate sports sessions can be held once or more per week, before, during or after working hours. Employees will be able to participate in the sports activities of their choice and according to their availability.

2. Weekly Sessions
Corporate sports sessions can be held once or more per week, before, during or after working hours. Employees will be able to participate in the sports activities of their choice and according to their availability.

Follow-up and review
Follow-up and review: Our company can also offer follow-up and review of employee performance, in the form of satisfaction surveys.
3. Follow-up and review
Follow-up and review: Our company can also offer follow-up and review of employee performance, in the form of satisfaction surveys.

Weekly Sessions
Employees have the freedom to choose the sports activities that suit them best and to participate in sessions according to their availability. This maximizes employees’ participation and commitment. 

4. Weekly Sessions
Employees have the freedom to choose the sports activities that suit them best and to participate in sessions according to their availability. This maximizes employees’ participation and commitment. 

What a start to the week with MBC might be like …

6.00 am – Snooze, get up, get ready, leave.
8.15 am –  First meeting of the day here we go !
8.00 am – 12.00am – Several phone calls and answers to emails.
12.00am – 12.30am –  Let’s get ready for a session of Relaxation
12.30am – 1.00pm
– Lunch
1.00pm – 5.30pm – Webinars, meetings, and call with clients 
5.45pm – 6.30pm – Let’s go for a Boxing session
7.00pm – Coming home, feel great to have time with your family.

You want to set up a sport routine in your company?
Our team will be happy to develop a program
adapted to your company.